Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

Lets create an peaceful environment, in the Fusion Fortress community where everyone can enjoy playing games and chatting with friends your support is vital, in achieving this goal.

The guidelines, for community conduct at Fusion Fortress encompass all individuals engaging with their games and services to foster interaction among community members.The rules provide a framework, for interactions. Are not restricted to the mentioned scenarios provided below.

Adhering to the guidelines is straightforward; however if they are violated consequences can include a suspension.

Community Rules:
  • Kindly refrain from disclosing details of others beyond their display names to ensure privacy and security for all users, on the platform.
  • Fusion Fortress is committed to promoting inclusivity and respect rejecting all forms of hatred and discrimination.
  • Please be considerate of others while interacting and engaging in activities.
  • Please refrain from impersonating individuals such, as players, from the game or popular personalities associated with Fusion Fortress or any other staff members.
  • Playing fairly and abiding by the rules is essential, in any game or online community setting. Avoid cheating or causing disruptions, to others and refrain from teaming up or taking advantage of developer mistakes to secure a win.
  • Steer clear of any hazardous behaviors to maintain safety and legality.
  • Content that is shared on Fusion Fortress should aim to create an experience, for users through communication and activities offered on the platform.
  • Each rule violation is evaluated on a case, by case basis, for its consequences.
  • If you come across a player who is breaking the Community Rules or Content Guidelines while playing the game <DateTime> you have the option to report them.
  • Make sure to safeguard your information and ensure it stays safe and protected from any threats or breaches.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!